Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

So, on the bright side...

the Lord provided a sunshiny day here in Fort Portal, and our day guard was able to hand wash a load of our clothes and hang them out to dry. Yes, another day without power, but at least we are blessed with a guard that does a good job at washing clothes and sunshine so that they can dry quickly.

Anaiah & I went to the Cashes for dinner, which was so much fun! Thanks for the yummy sandwiches and brownies, Cheryl! Anaiah LOVES the kids and their dog, Baxter, and gets loved on so much by her Aunt Cheryl & Uncle Jeff. It was a fun time.

While unpacking boxes, I found "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks, and I've begun re-reading it. I love that story. If you have not read this wonderful love story, I highly recommend it. And I believe this is the first book I've read since Anaiah has been born (I mean besides all the informative books on babies and kid feels good to be reading for fun again.)

Yay for a sunny day in the midst of a rainy made my heart happy and my outlook brighter.


Kristi said...

We've got SNOW??? in the forecast for this weekend. I'm pretty sure my calendar and map indicate that it is April in Portland. Someone didn't get the memo.

mamajoy said...

Those were the good old days hanging the clothes out to dry on the line. That was the fresh and stiff look. I am glad you were able to hang out with the Cash family. It has been pretty raining and cold around here too. Dave is going crazy waiting for nice weather to ride his motorcycle.

Amanda Rae said...

i may have to go to a laundry mat soon!!! haha, it seems like i can never do laundry here because aunt leigh is always doing it- i feel so bad for her. but seriously, i reallllly need to do laundry! thanks for all the posts- i LOVE the updates and i love you, Niah and Andrew too!!! hugs and kisses to you all!