Friday, November 23, 2007

Are there any tears left to cry?

I've cried more in the past 3 months than I have in the past year.

From having my baby girl laid upon my tummy after birth, to frustration with learning to nurse, to sleep deprivation, to moments of pure joy, to stressful times about finances, to the most intense pain in my joints, to saying goodbye to family and friends...I've cried many, many tears.

This Thanksgiving was very special to Andrew and me because it is the last holiday that we'll celebrate in the States before we leave for Uganda.

As we sat around the table with mom, dad, grandmas, cousins, and friends...
As we shared in a communion supper...
As we sang a tearful "Praise God from whom all blessings flow..."
As we embraced Abi for one last time and watched her say her goodbyes to Anaiah...

It has been really, really painful.

I feel like my heart is torn apart.

I also know that God is mending it.

I know that this will get better.

I know that this is how it's suppose to be...

Andrew and I are so blessed and so thankful to have family & friends that we love that much, that it does hurt to say goodbye.

And I know that through the next two weeks, tears will continue to flow for the loss that I will feel when we get on the plane for Uganda and the tears of joy that will come when we arrive safely and hug Jeff, Cheryl and the kids.

I'm not sure when the tears will stop; when this pain in the center of my chest will go away, but one thing I do know is that God is my comforter and is suffering with me and will get me through this time.

So in the mean time:

"I will praise You in this storm and I will lift my hands;
For You are who You are, no matter where I am.
Every tear I cry, You hold in your hands.
You've never left my side...and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm."


Cheryl said...

Bless you. You are in our thoughts and prayers every minute. We love you--

Kristi said...

How hard, exciting and new everything must be right now. We love you guys and are so excited for you. We also would love to see you sometime before you go - although this may be hard with the business. Blessings and prayers

Unknown said...

Blessings to you, friend. My heart and my prayers go out to you.

breanna said...

i have nothing to offer you except the promise to pray with faithful expectation of the incredible things God is preparing for the three of you, and for the lives you'll change because of these tears and the tears ahead.

kelsey Bryanne said...

Oh amy, I feel like I cant stop crying either! Nothing could have stopped me from being with you guys this week and I thank God everyday for it! I love you and cant wait to see you in uganda:)! I will pray for you everyday. please kiss that baby for me. I am sorry you're hurting... God will heal your broken heart so you can be jesus to the people in fort portal as you have been to us here!
love you soooooo much!

Kori said...

I am sorry that times are emotionally draining for you right now. I know that God has wonderful things in store for your family in Africa. You and Andrew have been working towards this for so long, and we will be praying that he will make your mission clear at this time.

Kori said...

Sorry about spelling your name wrong in my last comment...I automatically spelled it the way one of my students spells it. :)

emilykaypeters said...

It will be hard when you guys leave but I know that you are going to do God's work. You have such a strong heart and spirit. I know that God will bless you in your adventures and you will bring lots of people to christ in Uganda

Priscilla said...

God bless you guys. We love you three. We will be praying for you and for your family.