Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Just reflecting today on how my day-to-day life is not quite the same since living in Uganda.

For instance:

1. I use filtered water for cooking and drinking
2. I wash dishes in a basin
3. I add bleach to every dish load to get rid of germs
4. I wash my feet every night before going to bed
5. I use stiff towels (our dryer is not hooked up, so when the towels air dry, they are pretty crispy!)
6. I use filtered water to brush my teeth
7. I make pizza from scratch (and I must admit--it is yummy!)
8. I eat cereal without milk (I miss American milk!)
9. After buying eggs at the store, I drop them into a tub of water, to make sure they all sink (if they float, they are rotten)
10. I count the hours between times we have power!

Not that change is bad...just different (well, except for the dry cereal part--that is just SAD!)


Tim said...

The one thing on this list I currently enjoy (no, not the dry cereal) is pizza from scratch. Kori makes the pizza, and I enjoy eating it. And it's WAY cheaper and better than getting it from a restaurant.

brenda said...

Girl, I would just give up on cereal I think. Are you not using the boxed milk?

Amanda Rae said...

i will bring you milk in a cooler if i am able to my dear sister!!! i know that sucks for you because you lllooovvveee milk!!!! i am sorry! i am going home this weekend- i am excited and wish you could be there too! thanks for posting and giving a little insight to how differnt things are in Africa. I love you and can't wait to come see you!!! hugs and kisses to you all!!! t

sarah said...

Wow! I happen to like dry cereal, especially cinnamon toast crunch. Change is a funny thing. Because what was once unfamiliar becomes familiar then we freak out when it changes again.

D and D's Adventures said...

Sorry about the cereal. Guess you should be more like your amazing Mom. I love to eat Frosted Cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios without milk. I will have to remember the "egg" trick when we come visit. Take care and remember that I love you, Andrew, and especially my little sweet pea.

CarrieHawk said...

Think we should all ship you a bunch of cereal bars!

Glenn said...

About the dry cereal - I have been told that just a little fruit juice on dry cereal can be good - just enough to moisten it. Just close your eyes and imagine that you have real fruit on it. I tried orange juice once and it was not bad, but some other fruit juice might be better. Now if you only had a source of good juice, besides those little boxes from South Africa.