Thursday, June 05, 2008


Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Italian, and Thai--just some of the wonderful food choices that one is given while living in America. And, let us not forget the sandwich shops and all of the wonderful fast food chains all over the country.

It's so weird to me just how much I miss certain foods from America. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to have grown up in the good ol' US of A with such a variety to choose from, because now, it just haunts me and I crave certain things so badly!

I was lying in bed the other night, torturing myself by thinking of the foods that I miss. These are some of my favorites:

-fast food hamburgers
-bean burritos from TACO BELL (I know you sympathize with me on this one, Bren!)
-good salads (like Olive Garden, Red Robin, and Applebees)
-good desserts
-beef stick (I know...weird, but I love the stuff and it reminds me of x-mas with my fam)
-Tillamook cheese
-sour cream & cream cheese (I know that at least cream cheese is available here, but expensive)
-pasta (Spaghetti Factory and Olive Garden)
-good sandwiches with soft bread (Blimpie, Subway, Big Town Hero)
-pizza (Chicken Garlic from Papa Murphy's & Pepperoni from Pizza Hut)
-milkshakes from Burgerville
-chips (Doritos, Ruffles, know, anything yummy & fattening!)

And the crazy part about all of this is that while living in America, Andrew and I did not dine out all that frequently, but now that none of it is available, I WANT IT-EVERYDAY!!

So, you can bet that when we come home in a year and a half, I'll be making my way through each and every restaurant that I miss and then I'll start all over again, until our furlough is over.
And I'll enjoy every minute of it.

Can't wait! Oh, it will taste sooooo good! So, in the meantime, I'll just continue to drag myself through the agony of dreaming about it.

Go enjoy a good meal for me today!


brenda said...

I know what you mean. Now that we live in Cali I really miss Burgerville even though we didn't eat there very much when we lived there! I know I don't have a leg to stand on compared to you sinc enow I have In n Out!

Amanda Rae said...

oh my..i would miss those things too!!! i am sure it has taken some getting used to eating different things. sorry you are craving them all. if i could, i would buy you one of everything and send it your way, but since that is not possible i will just pray that your cravings will subside!! love you!

Destiny said...

Oh Amiee, I'm so sorry your cravings are so bad! I know it doesnt feel this way now, but give it a few years and your cravings will get less and less. (However Ben & Jerry's and Taco Bell always sound good). And I think the easiness of fast food I always miss :(

~Beth said...

i was at red robin yesterday and thought of you! i hope your cravings get better. love you!!

mamajoy said...

Oh, I am sad for you. Unfortunately for us we in American do not eat very healthy because of fast food but it sure is convenient and makes us more lazy. Although I am looking forward to going to our new Sonic on Lancaster. Just think Anaiah is better off not getting hooked on McDonalds and recognizing all the fast food signs like her cousin.

Chelsea said...

I feel you on the bean burritos from Taco Bell thing...BIG time! It really will get better, though. Promise! ;)

The Chad said...

I promise to think of you guys every time I eat something...oh wait, that won't work! We miss you guys! Chad said he talked to you online the other day and explained our "problems" or at least told you they exist. Its kinda nice to know that I'm not the only one who will have had to face this! Love ya!

Destiny said...

Hey- your coming over tonight, but I probably will forget to tell you this: love the new background on the blog and I love all the new pics of Anaiah you added! Too cute!

Serena Coles said...

We ate at Red Robins today for my birthday. So, I ate a burger for you. It was good. Yes, I too would very much so miss all that America (or Canada) has to offer.

suzylu said...

I wish I could miss the food - I'm trying really hard to lose the preggo weight. But I can only imagine how hard it would be not having the options. love,